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The Nutraceutical Fix

The Nutraceutical Fix

Dr. Nadya Lisovoder, RoseBar’s Chief Scientist, outlines the importance of what we eat – and what extra ingredients can make the difference for a long and healthy life.

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Nutrition and gut health is very important, but firstly it is important to point out that you cannot focus on it in isolation. Health is an ecosystem, where you have to support all aspects, physical and mental, to turn back time. Evidence based medicine shows you will experience better aging if all of aspects work together, and for that we include IV infusions, exosome therapy, nutrition, sleep, biohack tools and spirituality. Spirituality because you cannot deal just with physical health and not pay attention to your emotional health. Purpose and joy are paramount to your long term health. If you can zoom out and view the whole picture to support all aspects, that’s what will help you build your health into the best shape. However, plenty starts with the gut.

What we see in nature is the mood, body and physiological ability of a person is dictated by their microbiome. The microbiome is the living landscape of bacteria that inhabit our gut, up to 39 trillion microbial cells including bacteria, viruses and fungi that live on and in us. When you consider there are 30 trillion cells in our whole body, you can begin to understand why the gut is just as, if more important, than our genome. Every mouthful of food contains up to a million microbes, and these, plus those we inherited from our mother at birth, determine the health of our gut landscape. The bacteria in our microbiome are responsible for many things.

From the way we smell to our cognition, mobility, mood, gastrointestinal symptoms and levels of in› ammation, even our propensity to develop psychiatric diseases and ADHD. Much has been discovered recently about the gut–brain axis too, the two-way biochemical signaling that takes place between the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract) and the central nervous system (CNS). Healthy food that supports a healthy gut, is therefore key in fuelling good function.

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